Bt-Cry1F Qualitative ELISA GMO Detection Kit (4800)

Bt-Cry1F Qualitative ELISA GMO Detection Kit (4800)

Product Name
Bt-Cry1F Qualitative ELISA GMO Detection Kit (4800)
Product Overview
This Bt-Cry1F Qualitative ELISA GMO Detection Kit (4800) has been validated for the detection of the HERCULEX® trait. This test system can be used to test individual corn seed and corn leaf or detect as little as 1 transgenic Bt-Cry1F seed in 600 non-gmo corn seeds.
Store all kit components at the recommended temperature (above) to assure their full shelf life. Each ELISA plate pouch contains a desiccant packet. Keep the plate or unused testwells sealed in the pouch with the desiccant and store in the refrigerator (4°C) between uses. Allow the components of the kit to warm to room temperature for about 30 minutes before using.
Prevent direct skin and eye contact with, or ingestion of, kit components. Obtain medical attention in case of accidental ingestion of kit components. Always wash hands thoroughly after using the kit. It is recommended that gloves be worn when handling the enzyme conjugate solution.
Kit Components
Antibody-coated 96-well microtiter plates;
Peroxidase enzyme conjugate, 1X ready to use;
TMB substrate solution;
Positive control;
PBST buffer, 20X concentrate.
Materials Required but Not Supplied
Distilled or purified water;
Paper towels;
Micropipette tips;
Airtight container for incubations;
Negative control;
Scissors, marker, timer;
Additional sample extraction buffer will be required if most of the samples tested are grain samples;
Seed and leaf extraction equipment;
Grain sampling equipment.
Scientific Background
The test system for Bt-Cry1F is a direct DAS ELISA. Monoclonal antibodies specific to Bt-Cry1F are coated to the testwells of a microplate. An enzyme conjugate solution has been included in this kit containing monoclonal antibodies specific to BtCry1F conjugated to a peroxidase enzyme. Enzyme conjugate is added to the testwells followed by sample extracts. If BtCry1F is present in the sample, it is bound by the antibodies and captured on the microplate. The plate is then washed to remove any unbound enzyme conjugate and sample. Finally, a substrate is added to the microplate. If peroxidase is present, a color will be produced signifying the presence of Bt-Cry1F. The color reaction can be measured with a plate reader or observed visually.
Detection method
ELISA Detection
Sample Type
Corn seed and leaf.
For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!
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