Ensuring the accuracy and diversity of the analysis is of paramount importance in the implementation of modern soil bioindicator analysis studies. Lifeasible's soil bioindicator measurements and analyses cover a wide range of topics, and the key to our projects is optimal precision. Therefore, our services can be applied to various studies on soil development, fertility evolution, evaluation of soil resources, soil improvement, and fertilizer application, evaluation of soil environmental quality, etc.
Soil microbial biomass analysis Soil microorganisms have a very important role in many aspects of soil ecosystems. To make soil microbial biomass measurements closer to actual values, Lifeasible uses different methods to provide simultaneous measurements of soil microbial biomass changes in different ecosystems and under different utilization conditions. |
Microorganism profiling analysis Lifeasible analyzes the structure of soil flora using second-generation high-throughput sequencing. In addition, we have established a platform for aerobic/anaerobic isolation and culture of soil flora to provide efficient non-targeted isolation and culture of aerobic/anaerobic bacteria to help customers obtain most strains in soil samples. |
Soil microbial biodiversity analysis Soil microorganisms are numerous and complex in their role and occupy an important place in the study of soil biology. Lifeasible uses biological or chemical methods and methods based on modern molecular biology techniques in the analysis of soil microbial diversity. |
Enzyme activity analysis Lifeasible uses spectrophotometric colorimetric analysis, fluorescence analysis, radioisotope analysis, and physical methods (titration), hydrodynamic voltammetry, etc. to achieve efficient and accurate detection of a wide range of soil enzymes. More than 20 types of soil enzymes can be detected, including soil urease, soil sucrase, soil cellulase, and soil dehydrogenase. |
Humus analysis Soil humus is a multi-organism system, and Lifeasible uses a variety of modern instrumentation techniques to accurately analyze it, as well as targeted improvements in separation methods based on our extensive experience, providing a comprehensive and accurate technical service for soil humus research. |
Lifeasible has extensive experience in many aspects of soil microbial biomass analysis, soil microbial mapping, soil biodiversity analysis, soil enzyme activity analysis, and soil humus analysis. We welcome you to contact our staff at any time in order to let us provide you with the best technical service.
Lifeasible has established a one-stop service platform for plants. In addition to obtaining customized solutions for plant genetic engineering, customers can also conduct follow-up analysis and research on plants through our analysis platform. The analytical services we provide include but are not limited to the following:
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