Helicoverpa NPV is a specific pathogenic microorganism for cotton bollworm. It can be used on cotton, sorghum, maize, tobacco, tomatoes, and other crops to control lepidopteran pests such as cotton bollworm and smut. It has favorable application prospects.
Lifeasible offers various effective solutions for Helicoverpa NPV Insecticide development by utilizing various advanced technologies. We aim to develop biopesticides that are more potent, safer for the environment, and more environmentally friendly.

Characteristics of Helicoverpa NPV insecticide
Helicoverpa NPV is an effective biopesticide for cotton bollworm damage that overcomes the host's immune system and establishes systemic infection.
- Helicoverpa NPV insecticide targets specific pests and is safe for others. Long efficacy duration. It can cause epidemic spread of virus disease in pest populations after use. It can naturally control pest growth and decline for a long time. This results in continued virulence and death of infected pests in subsequent generations.
- Ecological safety. Safe for the environment and ecology.
- Environmentally friendly, reducing chemical and pesticide emissions.
- Targeted, safe for natural enemies, and conducive to maintaining field ecosystems.
Helicoverpa NPV insecticide mode of action
Helicoverpa NPV is spread through insects' mouths or wounds. The virus that enters insects through the mouth is digested by gastric juices. Free rod-shaped virus particles enter the insects' cavities and proliferate in the cells, destroying the insect cell structure and then invade healthy cells until the insects are killed. This type of virus can only proliferate in living host cells. After the death of the diseased insect, it can re-infect other insects through feces and dead insects or transmit to insect offspring through eggs, making the virus disease epidemic in the pest population, thus controlling pest damage.
What do we offer for Helicoverpa NPV insecticide development?
- Genetic engineering. Genetic engineering techniques can be used to modify the Helicoverpa NPV for increased insecticidal efficacy or insecticide specificity against specific insect species. We can enhance viruses' insecticidal activity by inserting or deleting specific sequences in their genes and altering their replication and spread. So far, we have improved and obtained several genetically improved strains using genetic engineering techniques. The Helicoverpa NPV insecticide we developed is effectively applied to control cotton bollworm and smut borer on cotton, tobacco, tomatoes, and other crops. It has the advantages of a high insecticide rate, precise action, no injury to natural enemies, long-lasting efficacy, non-toxic to humans and animals, and non-resistance.
- Virology. Our knowledge of virology, such as the life cycle, replication mechanism, and host range of Helicoverpa NPV, helps us to understand the characteristics and pathways of the virus. This guides insecticide development.
- Cell and tissue culture. Cell culture and tissue culture techniques can propagate and amplify cotton bollworm viruses. By culturing the virus to proliferate in cells or tissues, we can obtain many virus particles for insecticides or further research.
- Bioinformatics. We provide bioinformatics techniques that can be effectively used to analyze the sequence and structure of the Helicoverpa NPV genome. We also provide information on the function and interaction of viral genes, thus offering a theoretical basis and designing solutions for insecticide development.
Advantages of our services

Lifeasible is a comprehensive plant research company that aims to provide effective solutions for biopesticide development. We aim to significantly improve the insecticidal efficacy and range of action of biopesticides. If you are interested in us, please feel free to contact us.
For research or industrial raw materials, not for personal medical use!