Current Status of Industrialization of Genetically Modified Crops

Current Status of Industrialization of Genetically Modified Crops

The industrialization of genetically modified (GM) crops is a mode of developing GM crops through the combination of industry and commercialization. So far, the industrialization of GM crops has experienced a relatively long development course in the global development, especially since the 21st century, the development momentum of GM crop industrialization has been unstoppable on a global scale.

Genetically modified (GM) crops are crops in which specific gene fragments or regulatory elements are transferred from one organism to another using genetic engineering (DNA recombination technology), resulting in the acquisition of new traits or characteristics. These new traits may include herbicide resistance, insect resistance, disease resistance, increased yield, improved quality, etc.

With the continuous development and application of transgenic technology, the global transgenic crops market size has shown continuous growth. According to market research organizations, the global GM crops market size will reach tens of billions of dollars by 2025.

At present, the global cultivation area of GM crops is mainly concentrated in North and South America. The North American market is dominated by the United States, which accounts for about 40% of the global area planted with GM crops. The South American market is dominated by Brazil and Argentina, with GM crop planting area accounting for about 25% of the world.

The market competition in the GM crop industry is fierce, and many international companies have high technical strength and market influence in the fields of genetic modification, variety development and production technology. Technological innovation is the key to maintaining competitive advantages in the GM crop industry.

GMO Detection Kits We Offer

Cat# Product Name Sample Type
GMO-123 Bt Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac ELISA GMO Detection Kit Corn seed, cotton seed, leaf tissue, surface water, and soil samples
GMO-124 Bt Cry1F ELISA GMO Detection Kit Corn seed, cotton seed, leaf tissue, surface water, and soil samples
GMO-126 Bt Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac Rapid GMO Detection Kit Corn seed, cotton seed, leaf tissue, surface water, and soil samples
GMO-131 Bt-Cry1F Qualitative ELISA GMO Detection Kit Corn seed and leaf
GMO-137 Bt-Cry3A ELISA GMO Detection Kit (480) Potato sprouts, tubers and leaves
GMO-105 Corn GMO MON 810 Kit (96) Food, Feed
GMO-106 Soy GMO RR Kit (24) Food, Feed
GMO-120 C4 EPSPS GMO Detection Kit Leaf tissue and seeds of corn, cotton, and other crops

Common genetically modified crops


The research and development of transgenic rice mainly focuses on insect, disease and stress resistance. Through the introduction of specific genes, rice is able to resist a variety of pests and diseases, reduce the use of pesticides, and reduce environmental pollution. At the same time, transgenic rice also has higher drought tolerance, salt tolerance and other resistance, which helps to expand the rice planting area and increase food production. At present, transgenic rice has been commercially planted in many countries, and has achieved significant economic and social benefits.

For example, golden rice is rice containing beta-carotene, which is implanted with a carrot gene that enables the rice to synthesize carotene, giving the rice an orange-yellow color. The original purpose was to help children with vitamin A deficiency.


Research and development of genetically modified corn has similarly focused on insect and disease resistance and yield enhancement. Through genetic engineering techniques, transgenic corn varieties with excellent characteristics, such as insect-resistant corn and herbicide-resistant corn, have been bred. For example, in the Midwest fields of the United States, where GM insect-resistant corn plots account for 25% of the total corn field area, the monarch butterfly population in the field is large, indicating that it has less impact on non-target insects.

These GM corn varieties not only reduce pesticide use, but also improve corn yield and quality. Currently, transgenic corn has been widely planted worldwide and has become an important force in ensuring food security.


The research and development of transgenic wheat focuses on its resistance to pests and diseases, increased yield and improved quality. GM wheat varieties with superior characteristics, such as rust-resistant wheat and drought-resistant wheat, have been developed by introducing specific genes. Argentina approved the world's first GM wheat (HB4) for cultivation and consumption in 2020. HB4 wheat has been genetically engineered to be drought-resistant and to maintain high yields under drought conditions. Yields were increased by 20% compared to other similar varieties that were not genetically engineered for drought resistance.

These genetically modified wheat varieties help to improve the yield and quality of wheat and meet the demand for quality food. At present, the research and development and industrialization of transgenic wheat are progressing steadily.


The research and development of transgenic soybeans is mainly focused on increasing yield, improving quality and resisting pests and diseases. Through genetic engineering technology, transgenic soybean varieties with excellent characteristics, such as high-yield soybeans and high-protein soybeans, have been bred. These transgenic soybean varieties help improve the yield and quality of soybeans and meet people's demand for nutritious food. At the same time, GM soybeans are also more resistant to pests and diseases, helping to reduce the use of pesticides and reduce environmental pollution. At present, GM soybeans have been widely planted worldwide and have become one of the important oil crops.

Transgenic technology is one of the fastest growing and most widely used high technologies in agriculture. The transgenic breeding industry will remain an important area of agricultural production and economic development, and with the continuous improvement of transgenic breeding technology, the scope and effectiveness of its application will gradually increase. At the same time, the Government and social organizations will also strengthen the regulation and management of transgenic breeding technology to ensure its safety and sustainable development.

Agrobacterium Competent Cells We Offer

Cat# Product Name Size
ACC-100 GV3101 Chemically Competent Cell 10 tubes (100μL/tube)
20 tubes (100μL/tube)
50 tubes (100μL/tube)
100 tubes (100μL/tube)
ACC-103 EHA105 Chemically Competent Cell 10 tubes (100μL/tube)
20 tubes (100μL/tube)
50 tubes (100μL/tube)
100 tubes (100μL/tube)
ACC-105 AGL1 Chemically Competent Cell 10 tubes (100μL/tube)
20 tubes (100μL/tube)
50 tubes (100μL/tube)
100 tubes (100μL/tube)
ACC-107 LBA4404 Chemically Competent Cell 10 tubes (100μL/tube)
20 tubes (100μL/tube)
50 tubes (100μL/tube)
100 tubes (100μL/tube)
ACC-108 EHA101 Chemically Competent Cell 10 tubes (100μL/tube)
20 tubes (100μL/tube)
50 tubes (100μL/tube)
100 tubes (100μL/tube)
ACC-117 Ar.Qual Chemically Competent Cell 10 tubes (100μL/tube)
20 tubes (100μL/tube)
50 tubes (100μL/tube)
100 tubes (100μL/tube)
ACC-118 MSU440 Chemically Competent Cell 10 tubes (100μL/tube)
20 tubes (100μL/tube)
50 tubes (100μL/tube)
100 tubes (100μL/tube)
ACC-119 C58C1 Chemically Competent Cell 10 tubes (100μL/tube)
20 tubes (100μL/tube)
50 tubes (100μL/tube)
100 tubes (100μL/tube)
ACC-121 K599 Chemically Competent Cell 10 tubes (100μL/tube)
20 tubes (100μL/tube)
50 tubes (100μL/tube)
100 tubes (100μL/tube)
ACC-122 Ar.A4 Electroporation Competent Cell 10 tubes (50μL/tube)
20 tubes (50μL/tube)
50 tubes (50μL/tube)

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